Visibility and Auto Safety Tips – Windshield Wipers

 Weather can present a host of challenges when it comes to driving safely. Maintaining clear visibility is absolutely crucial for navigating treacherous conditions. To enhance your safety on the road and reduce the risk of accidents, incorporating routine vehicle inspections and maintenance is essential. Here are some valuable auto safety tips to optimize your visibility:

Regularly Clean Windshield & Wiper Blades:

Make it a habit to clean your windshield and wiper blades every time you fill up your gas tank. A clear windshield is your first line of defense against adverse weather.

Keep Washer Fluid Reservoir Full:

Ensure your windshield washer fluid reservoir is consistently topped up. This is vital for swiftly clearing away dirt, grime, and snow, maintaining visibility at all times.

Use a Scraper and Defroster for Snow and Ice:

Never rely on your wipers alone to remove snow or ice from the windshield. Use an ice scraper and activate the defroster to ensure your view is unobstructed.

Interior Windshield Care:

Combat glare by wiping away dust and debris from the inside of your windshield. This small step can significantly reduce visual discomfort.

Prompt Windshield Repair:

Address any chips, cracks, or scratches in your windshield promptly. These can worsen in cold weather, impairing your vision.

Headlight Maintenance:

Keep your headlights clean and free from fogging or haziness. This will improve your visibility in low-light and adverse weather conditions.

HVAC System Maintenance:

Regularly service your HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) system to ensure your defroster is in optimal working condition. A clear windshield depends on it.

Wiper Blades:

Your windshield wiper blades are unsung heroes during storms. Typically, wiper blades have a lifespan of about six months, but if you use them frequently, consider replacing them every three months. Even if you don't use them often, don't let them go beyond 12 months without inspection or replacement. Environmental factors can degrade the rubber, leading to reduced visibility.

Wiper Blade Inspection:

  • Check if both the windshield and wiper blades are clean and free from debris.

  • Lift the wiper blades off the windshield and inspect their condition.

  • Ensure the rubber is soft and flexible.

  • Verify that the wiper arm moves freely.

  • Replace blades with cracks, missing sections, or obvious bends.

  • If they appear to be in good shape, test them with windshield washer fluid (not on a dry surface) to confirm their effectiveness.

Common Windshield Wiper Problems:

  • Streaking: Usually due to dry, cracked, or split blades.

  • Skipping: Often caused by bent or curved wiper blades due to disuse or damage.

  • Splitting: Typically caused by UV damage, excessive heat, or poor air quality.

  • Excessive wear: Frequent use can lead to rounded blade edges, reducing effectiveness.

Wiper Blade Replacement:

Cervantes Auto Glass offers windshield wipers for sale in the shop. Stop by to get a replacement set installed!


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